Create Change is a specialist, creative therapy service for children and young peoplethrough 1:1andgroup sessions. The servicematches young people witha qualified therapist. The service ensurestheyoung personcanovercome challenges as well asdevelop and maintain meaningful and healthy relationships with family, peers and others in their life. 


We welcome all counsellors and therapists who can contribute their time to support young people (we always have a waiting list for services). Giving as little as 2 hours per week can make a positive impact on a young person’s life.

Family Wellbeing Centre

BANG has delivered the Create Change programme at the Family Wellbeing Centre (FWC) on St Raphael’s Estate in Brent, offering dramatherapy to support the mental health and emotional well-being of young people aged 8–25.

By partnering with the FWC, we provided a safe and nurturing space where young people could express themselves freely and build their confidence.

In addition to creative therapy, we collaborated with the centre to host enrichment days, engaging families in sports, games, and community-focused activities.

Current Projects, Health & Wellbeing