Vital Skills is a programme at BANG for young people to develop their digital skills to enter the workforce.  

BANG designed the programme to equip young people with the essential skills necessary to obtain employment and grow in their areas of interest.  

Vital Skills prepares young people to enter the workforce by walking them through a six-week programme of six workshops where they engage in activities.  

Some activities include creating a tailormade CV specific to their area of interest and interview training so they can secure a job.  

Participants will receive basic training in Microsoft O365 and explore the apps that allow them to communicate ideas. 

They will also learn how to audit and manage their social media profiles for professional employment.  

BANG will provide young people with access to opportunities within the BANG network to ensure they can apply the skills they have learned in the programme.  

For more information, email BANG at


  • 100% of students were able to access Google and research at least one career they are interested in pursuing in the future.
  • 100% of students were able to access a careers website (Monster, Indeed, CV Library, Prospectus, National Careers Service) to find out about a specific career.
  • 100% of students were able to identify the key requirements for a job or career of their choice, including law, medicine, the armed forces, videography, etc.
  • 100% students were able to identify at least 2 personal and professional goals, including passing their GCSES, becoming a professional football player, developing a high level of fluency in English, travelling the world, and buying a house.
  • 100% students understood the importance of creating a digital skills worksheet.
  • 100% students understood the purpose and importance of creating a CV, including the key elements required to create a strong CV.
  • 99% of students have had a positive experience taking part in the Vital Skills programme.
Learning & Skills, Past Projects