From the 16th to the 18th of December, we had seven Year 10 students from Wembley High join us to explore culture, its connections with psychology, and how it influences their views on mental health. They also participated in activities that provided office-style experience.
To introduce them to the concept of culture, we began with icebreaker questions, helping them learn how their diverse cultures differ in terms of language, traditions, and clothing.
Additionally, we guided them in creating three mind maps: one about what they know about psychology, another about their interests, and the last about culture. The goal was to explore potential links between these three categories.
Another way they learned about culture and teamwork was by creating collages in groups, each focused on their favourite culture. They also completed a survey to examine how their cultural background influences their perception of mental health.
To give them an office-style experience, we included a debate session during the icebreaker activity. They were presented with a debate question and had to argue why their side was correct, teaching them valuable negotiation skills.
Furthermore, they professionally presented their mind maps, simulating a business meeting. The students also presented their collages in groups, formally pitching why their collage should win a prize.
As part of developing their social media skills, we allowed them to post their collages on BANG’s page, write captions with selected hashtags, and create TikTok videos showcasing their work in line with the latest trends. They also had to research TikTok ideas and trends, which helped them develop their research skills. One of their TikTok videos reached almost 2,000 views, showcasing the students’ creativity.
We emphasised the importance of having a social media presence and discussed how platforms like LinkedIn can help them in the future.
We gathered feedback forms daily throughout the three days to refine our approach.
At the end of the programme, the students created blog articles about their experiences.
Their feedback indicated that they enjoyed the experience and gained valuable life skills that they can use in the future.
Words: Vanessa Bou Karroum