We Wear Heritage

We Wear Heritage is a project developed in partnership with CVS Brent – focused on developing young people’s understanding of their heritage and culture through fashion.

The programme teaches young people about their community, the different cultures that make up their community, and their similarities and differences.

6 young people took part in the pilot programme – focusing on researching a piece of traditional clothing linked their heritage.

The participants use digital tools and applications such as Microsoft O365 and Canva to design graphics and document their research.

Through delivering We Wear Heritage, young people develop their personal interest in fashion alongside building vital skills for life, including communication, interviewing, decision-making, and graphic design.

Participants of the programme also get the opportunity to engage in work experience and volunteering to apply the skills they have learned on the programme – building their capacity to contribute to the preservation of culture in their community.

Journey to Justice delivered two workshops with the young people on Tuesday 20th and Saturday 24th February 2024.

Sessions are facilitated by Tania Aubeelack, an oral historian and youth worker.

“Brent is a place that has a lot of history”

Young Person

“I enjoyed talking about inequality in the Wear Wear Heritage workshops”

Young Person, We Wear Heritage

“I enjoy learning about my culture”

Young Person, We Wear Heritage

Communities Culture & Heritage, Past Projects