BANG hosted a board meeting last month.
This meeting was particularly special because it included five young people who are part of the organisation.
Four of the young people in this meeting were board members, including Meera, Jim, Sia, and Jasmine.
The meeting focused on celebrating the achievements of the organisation this year and a thorough review of the BANG business plan.
The young people were given the opportunity to share their opinion on the development of the BANG business plan and be heard by the other board members.
BANG values young people and their contribution to the development of the youth-focused organisation.
We stand for young people and youth power and practice these through our commitment to being courageous and equal in our approach to delivering services to young people.
Young people are at the centre of BANG. We provide a safe space for young people to be themselves, speak their minds, and be part of the change they want to see in their communities.
Without young people on our board, we can’t develop and deliver quality services that enable them to contribute positively to their communities.
If you would like more information about BANG and its programmes and services, email charity@wearebang.com.